Friday, November 4, 2011

This Whole 30 Days of Thankful Thing

I think it's a great idea.  I think it's refreshing to see Facebook used in such an uplifting way.  I kinda like this.

However, I'm not one for following the format, so I'm going to just list it, and be done.  I'm pretty thankful on a regular basis.

These are the things that visit and revisit my thankful thoughts:

1.  Having a loyal, fun loving, GORGEOUS hunka hunka burnin love to call my best friend.

2.  Two uniquely different, yet equally entertaining and loving sons.

3.  The opportunity to earn a living doing something that I truly love...EVERYDAY!

4.  A school community that offers a supportive, caring, and understanding safe place to work.

5.  Acceptance by wonderful friends who genuinely care for me.

6.  Good health.

7.  A safe home.

8.  The ability to provide for my children.

9.  The ability to read.  Without that, my life would be much less fulfilling.

10.  Music.  What might it be like to never hear a song?  I hate to even imagine.

11.  Art.  How sad would life be without the beauty of art?

12.  The opportunity to live in the best Metroplex in the best state, in the best country on this planet.

13.  A sense of comfort in knowing that my children learn at top notch schools in a safe environment, and that they will have the opportunity to further their education at college, if they choose.

14.  Being able to provide my children with a culturally enriched life.

15.  Knowing that when I come home at night, there will be safety and security with those that I love.  So many women face a life of domestic abuse.  I'm thankful that my choices led me to this life.

16.  A skill that I can fall back on if ever I am unable to teach.  Knowing that I have an alternate profession, should the need arise, is comforting to me.

17.  A teaching schedule that rewards me the summers off to spend with my family and friends.

18.  A car that is reliable.

19.  Plenty of food.

20.  A great hair stylist.

21.  My sense of Confidence.

22. Hot bubble baths and even indoor plumbing, in general.  What misery must those pioneers have felt after a long day of work?  No baths....

23.  Good teeth.

24.  Good health care.

25.  Good retirement...even though teachers and railroaders pay into their own retirement and are not entitled to Social Security benefits, at least I know that something will be waiting for me after I've served my time.

26.  Our Military and those who serve.  This is a job that I do not want to do, and I'm glad that others are willing to do the difficult things that I cannot.

27.  Garbage collectors.  Enough said.

28.  The cultural opportunities so near to my home.

29.  A life that is not dreary and gloomy...Depression is such a debilitating disease.  I'm so thankful that I do not suffer from this.

30.  Family.               

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