Saturday, August 6, 2011

Assignment #3: What's something that you wish you had the guts to do, at least once?

What's something that I wish I had the guts to do at least once?  I should add onto the end of that prompt the words, "without getting hurt in some way."

Now, you all know that I relish in unique attire and personal expression.  This cannot be denied.  However, there is a line not to be crossed, and that is the line of nausea. 

Nothing turns my stomach and ticks me off more than some fool blamed idiot with a size 29 waist, wearing pants made for a much bigger man in the 36" range. can save yourself a good bit of money on belts and fancy undies by simply buying the right size jean.

This trend does NOT discriminate by race or even gender for that matter.  I've been to Grapevine Mills Mall and witnessed an entire Benetton advertisement in ill fitting britches.  I wonder how exactly this trend caught on?  I mean, hand me down pants, turned stylish?  Another question I have is, how in the world do you run if  someone is chasing you?  Apparently, you don't, according to this article.  

Even women have joined in this idiocracy.  However, there are two strains of stupidity represented in the female population.

Not only do the women enjoy wearing the boxers with ill fitting pants.

 They've also branched out to include women with the correct size pants, but simply too much bootie for the rise.  You know exactly what I'm talking about.  These are the women that sit on the barstool with their cheeks pushed out over the edge exposing Victoria's not so well kept secret.  Seriously ladies.  Intrigue.  If you put it all out over the edge of the barstool, there's no reason to take you home.  Just sayin'       
So...without further ado, I announce that I would like to spend one entire day pulling up the pants of offenders and duct taping them into proper position...without enduring physical harm on my part. 
Maybe I'm just old.  Maybe I'm not cool.  Maybe I don't have swagga.  Maybe that's ok.  Victoria's secret is safe with me.

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