Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Assignment #2: Alternate Professions

Teaching is without a doubt, the perfect career for me.  There is no other job in the world that would meet my needs the way that teaching does.  If you've read my previous blogs, you understand just how important teaching is to me.

Having said that, there are still times when I wonder what I would be doing if not teaching.  How might my life be different if I hadn't chosen to be in the classroom?  What else would I like to try in life?  I mean, as perfect as teaching is, there are simply some aspects of the classroom that I'll never completely embrace.      

For instance, set hours.  I know, we get the summer off and multiple other holidays throughout the year as well.  However, 7:20 a.m. is pretty darn early, especially when you like to stay awake until about 1 or 2 a.m.  It's not just the early mornings that I find difficult.  Even more so, I get anxious in my cage.  I'm confined to the same building and even the same room for the entire day.  I don't have the option of simply stepping out of the office for a quick burger or a change of scenery.  I'm there.  All day long.  I struggle with this...a great deal.  There are times when I think I'm going to climb the walls, but then I look around and see that there is a whole room of little monkeys climbing with me.

And sometimes you just need to pee.  It's that simple.  I'd like to pee when the urge strikes me.  Teaching doesn't allow that luxury.

Finally, dress code and general limitations on personal style stump me.  For the most part, I enjoy conservative professional wear.  I'm queen of the simple sheath dress with scarf or jacket.  I like the look, and it likes me.  However, there are days when I'd love to wear a pencil skirt and some rockin stilettos.  That's a total no go when you are teaching 22 eight-year-olds.  It just doesn't work.  And don't even get me started on  hair/makeup/tattoos.  Let's just say that I wear a bandana and/or crazy colors all summer in an effort to get it out of my system before the end of August.  I completely understand the reasoning for a conservative look.  It's not like this is the only career that requires one to be professional and grown up in appearance.  Besides, as a Mom, I don't want for my boys to be taught by a "Freak Show."  That doesn't mean I have to like it though.          

So, what would I like to try if not teaching?  There are four jobs that I really think I would enjoy if I wasn't able to teach.

First off, I think I'd LOVE to be a hairstylist or make up artist.  Goodness knows I have a deep seeded adoration/boderline addiction for and to hair color.  To actually get paid to change the looks of others would be totally awesome.  Except, I wouldn't want to work in some mamby pamby fru fru shop.  I want to be the stylist for the strange people.  No perms or natural highlights for this girl.  Heck no.  Go big or go home.

Second option would be a sales girl at the Bettie Page Boutique in the Magnificent Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas.  I could get a discount on my favorite clothes, and I could wear awesome outfits to work.  Plus, tattoos and strange hair/makeup are preferred. Win/win!

In addition to vanity and all things glam, I also enjoy photography.  I think earning a living by making beautiful/unique works of art through the lens of a camera would be a pretty amazing thing.  I'm not sure why I've never pursued this.

Finally, I'd love to be a doctor.  I know, right?  Who would have guessed that one?  You see, I have a good friend who is a rheumatologist.  In the past, when I've helped her in her office, I'm absolutely in awe of what she does.  I cling to her every word.  I learn more from her in one afternoon than I do during an entire season of House!  Unbelievable.  I find medicine and the human body incredibly interesting.  In addition to finding the workings of the body amazing, I also find that medicine makes complete sense to me.  Everything about it just clicks.  I often find myself attempting to diagnose a patient (in my mind of course) while my friend does the exam and anticipating her impression/diagnosis, just to see if I'm correct.  The ONLY problem with this dream is the intense nausea and lightheadedness I experience when something actually penetrates the skin.  Seriously.  I faint.  No joke.  It's ridiculous.  I guess I'll just continue to watch House, and look away during the yucky parts.       

If I could sing, it would probably be fun to be a rock star, but I can't, so let's not even go there.

I guess, for now, and most likely the rest of my working life, I'll continue to teach.  Not only because it's my dream, but also because I love it.  However, just know that a Bettie Page wearing, picture taking, hair cutting physician lurks inside of me, and she needs to pee.   

Monday, July 25, 2011

Stress? What stress?

I pride myself in being laid back.  I try not to stress over unimportant things.  Change is a good thing.  I haven't given much thought to switching schools and grade levels, and overall, I'm not too concerned about the upcoming year. 

However, my dream last night begs to differ on this fact.

It was "Meet the Teacher Night" at my new school. My boxes of supplies and such had just been delivered to my new classroom from my former school THAT afternoon. 

Moments after the delivery of my 45 boxes, parents began pouring into my classroom.  The parents proceed to open my boxes and explore the contents.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting at a student desk attempting to cut out 104 red snowflakes in an effort to decorate said room in the same manner as my new teammates.  I have not a clue as to why red snowflakes were the chosen theme in August, but it was quite important to the team that I adorn my walls accordingly. In addition to the cutting of the 104 red snowflakes, each one had to be individually wired so that a small LED light would glow in it's center.  Good grief.

My entire evening during meet the teacher was spent doing one of three things: 
1.  Sitting in a tiny chair at a tiny desk, using children's scissors to cut snowflakes from red construction paper.

2.  Attempting to fix the broken lock on the classroom restroom and change the light bulbs in my room.

3.  Chasing a wayward parrot and trying to silence the thing, as he kept cursing the parents who were milling about the room unpacking my boxes.  He also managed to drop a few surprises on the guests between bouts of profanity.  

Only once did I so much as make eye contact with a parent.  That was to say good-bye.  However, I immediately began choking on licorice, and an ambulance had to be called.  Licorice is, after all, standard protocol for all successful meet the teacher events.   

I can hardly wait for the "First Day of School" dream.      

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Assignment #1: Dream Vacation

Welcome to the first aassignment of our little blog group that "officially" consists of four teacher friends.  Amanda Aslin, Melissa Bufe, Jennifer Psencik and I will be attempting to write weekly blogs on predetermined topics.  I kind of formed this loose knit organization, and sadly, will most likely be the biggest slacker of the group.  I'm hoping that my friends hold me accountable, as much as I am able to be held accountable. 

Anyway, 10:00 p.m. and here I go.  Assignment #1:  Dream Vacation. 

I'll be the first to admit, I've not traveled much.  In fact, for the first 32 years of my life, I had never been north of Kansas.  I guess this is fairly apparent in my supposed "accent." 

Quite honestly, I'm not sure why I've not traveled any more than I have.  Possibly, my intense fear of heights, could be partly to blame, as planes tend to fly in areas higher than about 30 feet. 

This made the dream vacation assignment not that terribly difficult for me to complete.  There are several places that I'd love to see oneday, although I can't really narrow it down to just one.

For this reason, my dream vacation would consist of pretty much a world tour with a duration of about 6 months or so.  I might want to start saving now, I guess.

First stop:  Thailand.  Why?  I'd like to participate in a Buddhist retreat of sorts.  I figured that if I did this FIRST on my journey, it would enlighten me and force me to truly be in the moment during the remainder of my travels.  Good thinkin' huh?

After a few weeks of meditation and mind clearing activities, I think I'd mosey on over to Africa to chill out on some awesome beaches.  I've never been to Africa, and it looked fairly nice.  I might check out some safari animal life while I'm there.  It's my dream, why not? 

They even have penguins.  That's the best of both worlds.  Beaches AND penguins?  SCORE! 

Next stop...Europe. There are so many places that I want to see in Europe.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE art and architecture, as well as water.  What better place to see all of these things than Italy? Venice and Rome to be exact.  I'm pretty sure I'll be staying in Italy for about six weeks.  I'll be in Venice for three weeks. 

And Rome for the remaining three weeks.  I plan to eat a good bit while visiting Italy.

Of course, you can't be in Italy, and completely skip right on through Europe without at least stopping in France.  I mean, they do have a little museum that I've kinda wanted to ENTIRE LIFE.  While I'm so close, I might as well check out their tower or something.   I don't intend to stay there for more than a few nights.  French.  Ugh.


Now, the next stop on my grand world tour would be Ireland.  I have no idea what in the world I want to see in Ireland other than the castles.  It just looks cool.  Everything is so green and springy looking.  I also like leprechauns, so Ireland it is.  I don't really need to stay there for too terribly long.  Just long enough to feel a little Princessy and maybe get me pot of gold or something.  I figure a week should do it.

 Now, after so many weeks of culture, I'm definitely going to need a little chill time on a beach again.  So, off I go to a nice spot that I discovered online.  It's called "Dunk Island" and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a small hut there soon.  After, of course, I check it out while on vacation.  Since I am interested in investing in a little real estate on that island, I'll require about four months there to thoroughly research my options.  A girl can never be too careful with such decisions. 

And since I'm already in Australia, I might visit Sydney just for kicks.  I like the way they sound.  I may even end my travels with a tattoo.  Yeah.  I just thought of that. 

Anyway, I'd like to take my three loves with me, as long as I'm dreaming up incredible journeys. 

Dream big if you are going to bother dreaming.  : )